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1346 Connecticut Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C.

W.W. Short, Chickasaw
First Vice-President:
Edward L. Rogers, Chippewa
Second Vice-President and Executive Director, NCAI:
Frank George, Nez Perce
Project Director:
D'Arcy McNickle, Flathead
Elizabeth Roe Cloud, Chippewa

Executive Council:
George N. Adams, Skokomish
W.H.H. Pilcher, Omaha
John Shaw, Osage
Abel Paisano, Pueblo
Peter Star, Arikara
Dan M. Madrano, Caddo
Clarence Wesley, Apache
R.A. Roubideaux, Sioux
Edison G. Ward, Sioux
Joseph R. Garry, Coeur D'Alene
James R. Mosier, Osage
Charles E. Grounds, Seminol
Arthur Manning, Shoshone
Samuel Gorman, Navajo
Edward M. Wilson, Chippewa

May 4, 1953


At our last convention, the NCAI adopted a new Constitution and By-laws which contains several changes or revisions from the original constitution under which our organization has operated since November, 1944.

Your Executive Director wishes to call your attention to sub-paragraph b, Section 1, of Article VII - Dues and Expenses. This provides for tribal memberships at a flat rate of $25.00 per annum. This matter has been taken up with a majority of the council members and it has been agreed that a higher rate should prevail in the case of the tribes who are members of the NCAI since it was very obvious that if all tribes in the country took out a membership, we could not operate our Washington office for more than five months. All of our member tribes have been contributing dues at the original rates set up in the constitution that was revised.

In discussing the matter of membership with various officers of the organization and others interested in the welfare of the National Congress of American Indians, it is the consensus of opinion that the Executive Council authorize the old tribal rates to prevail which are as follows:

Tribes or groups of 25-2,499 members: $25 group annual dues plus 5 cents per member additional.

Tribes numbering 2,500-24,999: $125.00 annual dues plus 1 cent per member additional.

Tribes numbering 25,000 or more: $250.00 annual dues plus 1/2 cent per member additional.

Your Executive Director also asks your valuable judgment in the matter of Non-voting Associate Memberships which were set at $10.00 per year per person, and non-voting associate organization membership which was set at $25.00 per year. We have lost some associate members (non-Indian) who have been subscribing to the Washington