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[[crossed out]] HP see IV, 3g [[/crossed out]] [[margin]]

[[crossed out]] Section 2. Each individual member shall be entitled to attend the annual convention and have one vote. Votes of the convention shall constitute recommendations to the Executive Council. [[/crossed out]]

Article IV--Officers
[[crossed out]] Section 1. Officers. The following officers shall be elected at each annual convention, by a majority vote of all members present and voting, and shall serve for a term beginning with the adjornment of the annual convention at which elected and ending with the adjournment of the following annual convention:
1. President
2. First Vice-President
3. Second Vice-President
4. Recording Secretary [[/crossed out]]

Article V--Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1. Nominations. Nominations for President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President and Recording Secretary [[crossed out]] officers [[/crossed out]] shall be made from the floor of the Convention. Only members in good standing shall qualify for nomination or election.
Section 2. Elections. The President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President and Recording Secretary [[crossed out]] officers [[/crossed out]] shall be elected [[crossed out]] in separate elections [[/crossed out]] by a secret ballot, by a majority vote of all members present and voting. [[crossed out]] in the following order: President, First vice-President, Second vice-President, and Recording Secretary. [[/crossed out]]
Section 3. Votes. [[crossed out]] In voting for officers, [[/crossed out]] each individual member is entitled to one vote. Each tribal member [[crossed out]] representative [[/crossed out]] is entitled to from 10 to 18 votes depending upon the enrollment of the [[crossed out]] his [[/crossed out]] tribe and in accordance with the following