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Article VI
Executive Committee
[[crossed-out]] Selection of the Executive Committee.[[/crossed-out]] [[strikethrough]] During its meeting held immediately preceding or following the close of the annual convention, the Executive Council shall choose an Executive Committee which shall serve until the meeting of the Executive Council held immediately preceding or following the close of the next annual convention. The Executive Committee shall consist of eight members of the Executive Council as follows: The President who shall serve as Chairman; one other duly elected officer; and six tribal representatives. It may vote by mail or telegraph addressed to the chairman who shall certify the results to the Executive Director.[[/strikethrough]]
[[margin note]] arrow drawn from first paragraph to word "OK", next to accepted proposed change of first paragraph found on middle of right page]]
SEC. 2. Power of the Executive Committee. During the interval between meetings of the Executive Council, the Executive Committee shall have full authority to act for the Executive Council in any way in which the Executive Council would be authorized to act, except that it is not authorized to amend this Constitution, nor to reverse any action taken by the Executive Council. Any action taken by the Executive Committee shall be immediately reported by mail by the Executive Director to the Executive Council; provided, that no action of the Executive Committee shall be contrary to this Constitution and By-Laws.

Minimum annual membership dues shall be payable as prescribed in the By-Laws. [[right margin note]] OK [[/right margin note]] 

SECTION 1. Individual members paying minimum dues shall be entitled to receive the NCAI Bulletin.
SEC. 2. Member tribes shall be entitled to receive all NCAI publications. Within the budgetary limitations of the organization, or upon special arrangement and/or reimbursement, they shall also be entitled to such special legislative, research, public relations and other services as the organization is able to and may lawfully provide. [[right margin note]] OK [[/right margin note]] 

The National Congress of American Indians shall not engage in nor lend itself to partisan political activity. [[right margin note]] OK [[/right margin note]] 

This Constitution may be amended by not less than two-thirds of the total votes cast at the annual convention. Tribal votes shall be taken into account. Any member of the organization may submit proposed amendments by forwarding them to the national office not later than three months prior to the annual convention. All proposed amendments  shall be submitted by the national office to the membership not later than two months prior to the annual convention. Amendment of the Constitution shall be considered and acted upon during the first half of the annual convention. [[right margin note]] OK [[/right margin note]]

ARTICLE VI - proposed change
Executive Committee

[[strikethrough]] Sec. 1. [[crossed-out]] Selection of the Executive Committee. [[/crossed-out]]  During its meeting to be held immediately following the election of the President, Vice-Presidents, Historian and Recording Secretary at the convention The Executive Council shall choose an Executive which shall serve until the next biennial convention, or until their successors have been elected and qualified. The Executive Committee shall consist of eight members of the Executive Council as follows: The President who shall serve as Chairman; one other duly elected officer; and six tribal representatives; except that if any of the six tribal representatives shall cease to be a tribal representative on the Executive Council the Recording Secretary or the Executive Director shall send a mail ballot, listing all the Executive Council members not on the Executive Committee, to all members of the Executive Council and they shall fill the vacancy. The person who receives the highest number of votes shall be considered elected if one-third of the Executive Council votes, and if the candidate receives at least one-third of those votes. If there be a tie, or if the candidate receiving the most votes receives less than one-third of the votes cast, the Recording Secretary or the Executive Director shall mail successive ballots dropping in each successive ballot the person receiving the fewest votes until the vacancy shall be filled. [[/strikethrough]]

[[note]]arrow from first paragraph left page to "OK" here [[/note]] 
[[note]] OK [[/note]]
Sec. 1 -Membership. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the First Vice-President, and the ten Vice-Presidents, with the President serving as chairman.

[[crossed-out]] Sec. 2. Powers. No proposed change. [[/crossed-out]]

ARTICLES VII AND VII No proposed change.

[[strikethrough]] ARTICLE IX
The NCAI shall not engage in nor lend itself to partisan political activity or to denominational religious activity, except that it may recommend to both political parties and to religious groups policy statements in Indian affairs; and it may support the candidacies of Indians for political office in either major political party, upon two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE X - Amendments to Constitution

Where "annual convention" appears to change to "biennial convention." [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
All this is just so complicated with all the strikethroughs, etc... Hope it is explained ok. Used "[[crossed-out]] where there was a straight line through, and [[strikethrough]] where there was an X or over the whole paragraph.