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1 Sec. 8. Any details of referendum election not pro-
2 vided for in any of the seven preceding sections of this
3 article shall be determined by the Executive Council. 


4 This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote
5 at any biennial Convention: Provided, That such proposed 
6 amendment has been submitted so as to reach the national 
7 office not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of
8 the Convention, and that the same shall have been pub-
9 lished in the first News Letter or magazine issued after
10 receipt thereof. By vote of two-thirds of the Convention,
11 amendments to the Constitution may be considered even
12 though they have not submitted to the National Office
13 not less than 30 days prior thereto.

14 No article or section of this Constitution shall be 
15 retroactive.



Order of Business

1 Section 1. Calling the Convention to order.
2   1. Roll call of officers.
3   2. Roll call of delegates. 
4   3. Report of Committee on Credentials.
5   4. Appointment of committees.
6   5. Report of officers.
7   6. Report of Auditing Committee.
8   7. Reports of other committees.
9   8. Unfinished business.
10. 9. Reports of standing Convention committees.
11. 10. New business.
12. 11. Naming of place of next Convention. 
13. 12. Nomination and election of officers.
14. 13. Adoption of minutes. 
15. 14. Adjournment.

16 Sec. 2. The President shall appoint Committees on Cre-
17 dentials, Reports of Officers, By-Laws, Constitution, Reso-
18 lutions, Organization, Adjustment, [[strikethrough]] Merit System, Classifi-
19 cation, Retirement, Leave and Hours, [[/strikethrough]] and Miscellaneous
20 Legislation. The Committee on Credentials shall examine
21 the credentials of the delegates-elect and the alternates-
22 elect and report thereon to the Convention. All resolutions
23 presented to the Convention shall be referred to the appro-
24 priate committee which shall consider them and report
25 thereon with their recommendations to the Convention;
26 the Committee on Reports of Officers shall consider such
27 reports and report thereon for reference to appropriate
28 committees such portions of said reports as may require
29 action by the Convention. The Committee on Organiza-
30 tion shall consider the report of such measures as it
31 deems feasible, with the view of enlarging the member-
32 ship of the Federation