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Lyrics of Love and Laughter

Knapsack and alpenstock press hand and shoulder, 
Prick of the brier and roll of the boulder; 
This be your lot till the season grow older; 
Who's for the road?

Up and away in the hush of the morning, 
Who's for the road?
Vagabond he, all conventions a-scorning,
Who's for the road?
Music of warblers so merrily singing,
Draughts from the rill from the roadside up-springing,
Nectar of grapes from the vines lowly swinging,
These on the road.

Now every house is a hut or a hovel,
Come to the road:
Mankind and moles in the dark love to grovel, But to the road.
Throw off the loads that are bending you double;
Love is for life, only labor is trouble;
Truce to the town, whose best gift is a bubble:
Come to the road!