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Lyrics of Love and Laughter
Pa'son Hedgehog groanin' awful at his con-
verts' shines,
'Dough he peepin' thoo his fingahs at dem 
movin' lines,
'Twell he cain't set still no longah w'en de
fiddles sing,
Up he jump, an' bless you, honey, cut de
Well, de critters lak to fainted jes' wid dey
Sistah Fox, she vowed she wasn't gwine to 
b'lieve huh eyes;
But dey couldn't be no 'sputin' 'bout it any mo':
Pa'son Hedgehog was a-cape'in' all erroun'
de flo'.
Den dey all jes' capahed scan'lous case dey didn't doubt,
Dat dey still could go to meetin'; who could
tu'n 'em out?
So wid dancin' an' uligion, dey was in de fol',
Fu' a-dancin' wid de Pa'son couldn't hu't de