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Lyrics of Love and Laughter

I's so lonesome by myse'f,
'D ain't no fun in livin' lef';
Dis hyeah life's ez dull ez def:
Bettah quit daihin' me.

Whyn't you tek yo' han' erway? 
Yass, I'll hol' it: but I say
Bettah quit daihin' me.
Hollin' hans is sholy fine. 
Seems lak dat's de weddin' sign.
wish you'd say dat you'd be mine;-
Dah you been daihin' me.


BY Mystic's banks I held my dream. 
(I held my fishing rod as well,)
The vision was of dace and bream, 
A fruitless vision, sooth to tell.
But round about the sylvan dell
Were other sweet Arcadian shrines,
Gone now, is all the rural spell, 
Arcadia has trolley lines.