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Lyrics of Love and Laughter

I's a-sighin; fu' you, honey, an' I nevah know no res'.
Fu' dey's lots o' trouble brewin' an' a-stewin' in my bres',
Li'l' gal.

Whut's de mattah wid de weathah, whut's de mattah wid de breeze,
Li'l' gal?
Whut's de mattah wid de locus' dat's a-singin' in de trees,
Li'l' gal?

W'y dey knows dey ladies love 'em, an' dey knows dey love 'em true,
An' dey love 'em back, I reckon, des' lak I's a-lovin' you;
Dat's de reason dey's a-weavin' an' a-sighin', thoo an' thoo,
Li'l' gal.

Don't you let no da'ky fool you 'cause de clo'es he waihs is fine, 
Li'l' gal.