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Lyrics of Love and Laughter 

When that great struggle held the world in awe,
And all the nations blanched at what they saw,
Did Sanctioned Slavery bow its conquered head 
That this unsanctioned crime might rise instead?

Is it for this we all have felt the flame,-
This newer bondage and this deeper shame?
Nay, not for this, a nation's heroes bled,
And North and South with tears beheld their dead.

Oh, Mother South, hast thou forgot thy ways,
Forgot the glory of thine ancient days,
Forgot the honor that once made thee great, 
And stooped to this unhallowèd estate?

It cannot last, thou wild come forth in might, 
A warrior queen full armored for the fight;
And thou wilt take, e'en with thy spear in rest,
Thy dusky children to thy saving breast.

Till then, no more, no more the gladsome song, 
Strike only deeper chords, the notes of wrong;