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12 The Conjure Woman 

felt somewhat interested, while Annie was evidently much impressed, and drew closer to me. 
"How do you know it is bewitched?" I asked. 
"I would n' spec' fer you ter b'lieve me 'less you know all 'bout de fac's. But ef you en young miss dere doan' min' lis'nin' ter a ole nigger run on a minute or two while you er resting', I kin 'splain to you how it all happen'." 

We assured him that we would be glad to hear how it all happened, and he began to tell us. At first the current of his memory-or imagination-seemed somewhat sluggish ; but as his embarrassment wore off, his language flowed more freely, and the story acquired perspective and coherence. As he became more and more absorbed in the narrative, his eyes assumed a dreamy expression, and he seemed to lose sight of his auditors, and to be living over