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34 The Conjure Woman 

grapes, 'case I knows de old vimes fum de noo ones ; but wid strangers dey ain' no tellin' w'at mought happen. I would n' vise yer ter buy dis vimya'd." 

I bought the vineyard, nevertheless, and it has been for a long time in a thriving condition, and is often referred to by the local press as a striking illustration of the opportunities open to Northern capital in the development of Southern industries. The luscious scuppernong holds first rank among our grapes, though we cultivate a great many other varieties, and our income from grapes packed and shipped to the Northern markets is quite considerable. I have not noticed any developments of the gopher in the vineyard, although I have a mild suspicion that our colored assistants do not suffer from want of grapes during the season. 

I found, when I brought the vineyard, the Uncle Julius had occupied a cabin