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46 The Conjure Woman
it's no sin fer ter do; en ef you doan wanter be sent roun' fum pillar ter pos', en ef you doan wanter go down ter Robeson, I kin fix things so you won't haf ter. Ef you'll des say de word, I kin turn you kin stay right whar you wanter, ez long ez you mineter.'
     "Sandy say he doan keer; he's will-in' fer ter do anythin' fer ter stay close ter Tenie. Den Tenie ax 'I'm ef he doan wanter be turnt inter a rabbit. 
     "Sandy say, 'No, de dogs mought git atter me.'
     "'Shill I turn yoou ter a wolf?' sez Tenie.
     "No, eve'ybody's skeered er a wolf, en I doan want nobody ter be skeered er me.'
     "'Shill I turn you ter a mawkin'bird?'
     "'No, a hawk mought ketch me. I wanter be turnt inter sump'n w'at'll stay in one place.'