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Mars Jeems's Nightmare 87

"'Ole Nick done sont 'im back ter Mars Dunkin, who had fotch'im heah fer ter pay a gamblin' debt ter Mars Jeemss' sez Solomon, 'en I heahs Mars Dunkin has sol' 'im ter a nigger-trader up in Patesville, w'at's gwine ter ship 'im off wid a gang ter-morrer.'
"'Ole Aun' Peggy 'peared ter git rale stirred up w'en Solomon tol' 'er dat, en sez she, shakin' her stick at 'im :--
"'W'y did n' you come en tell me 'bou dis noo nigger bein' sol' erway? Did n' you promus me, ef I'd gib you dat goopher, you'd come en 'po't ter me 'bout all w'at wuz gwine on on dis plantation? Co'se I could 'a' foun' out fer myse'f, but I 'pended on yo' tellin' me, en now by not doin' it I's feared you gwine spile my cunj'in'. You come down ter my house ter-night en do w'at I tells you, er I'll put a spell on you dat'll make yo' ha'r fall you so you'll be bal', en yo' eyes drap out so you can't