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98 The Conjure Woman

un 'im sence. En all de darkies t'ank de Lawd, en 'lowed it was a good riddance er bad rubbage.
"But all dem things I done tol' you ain' nuffin 'side'n de change w'at come ober Mars Jeems fum dat time on. Aun' Peggy's goopher had made a noo man un 'im enti'ely. De nex' day atter he come back, he tol' de han;s dey neenter wuk on'y fum sun ter sun, en he cut dey tasks down so dey did n' nobody hab ter stan' ober 'em wid a rawhide er a hick'ry. En he 'lowed ef de niggers want ter hab a dance in de big ba'n any Sad'day night, dey mought hab it. En bimeby, w'en Solomon seed how good Mars Jeems wuz, he ax' 'in ef he would n' please sen' donw ter de yuther plantation, en sony SOlomon down ter Robeson Country wid a hoss en buggy fer ter