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106 The Conjure Woman

remarked Julius, with a shake of his head.
"Why not?"
"Well, you may 'low hit 's all foolis'ness, nut ef I wuz in yo' place, I would n' buy no mule."
"But that is n't a reason; what objection have you to a mule?"
"Fac' is," continued the old man, in a serious tone," I doan lack ter dribe a mule. I 's alluz afeared I mought be imposin' on some human creetur; eve'y time I cuts a mule wid a hick'ry, 'pears ter me mos' lackly I 's uttin some er my own relations, er somebody e'se w'at can't he'p deyse'ves."
"What put such an absurd idea into your head?" I asked.
My questions was followed by a short silence, during which Julius seemed engaged in a mental struggle.
"I dunno ez hit 's wuf w'ile ter tell you dis," he said, at lenght. " I doan