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Sis' Becky's Pickaninny  137

"No," I said, "let us hear it." I thought perhaps the story might inter-est my wife as much or more than the novel I had meant to read from.
"Dis yer Becky," Julius began, "use-ter b'long ter old Kunnel Pen'leton, who owned a plantation down on de Wim'l'-ton Road, 'bout ten miles fum heah, des befo' you fits ter Black Swamp. Dis yer Becky wux a fiel'-han', en a monst'us good 'un. She had a husban' oncet, a nigger w'at b'longed on de nex' plantation, but de man w'at owned her husban' died, en his lan' en his niggers had ter be sol' fer ter pay his debts. Kunnel Pen'leton 'lowed he'd 'a' bought dis nigger, but he  had be'n bettin' on hoss races, en did n' hab no money, en so Becky's husban' wuz sol' erway ter Fuhginny.
"Co'se Becky went on some 'bout losin' her man, but she could n' he'p herse'f; en 'sides dat, she had her pick-