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150 The Conjure Woman

things fer ter pay de cunjuh 'oman, use' up a lot er Aun' Nancy's time, en she begun ter git kinder ti'ed.  'Sides dat, w'en Sis' Becky had be'n on de plantation, she had useter he'p Aun' Nancy wid de young uns ebenin's en Sundays; en Aun' Nancy 'mence' ter miss 'er monst'us, 'speshly sence she got a tech er de rheumatiz herse'f, en so she 'lows ter ole Aun' Peggy one day:-
  "'Aun' Peggy, ain' dey no way you kin fetch Sis' Becky back home"'
  "'Huh!' sez Aun' Peggy, 'I dunno 'bout dat.  I'll hafter wuk my roots en fin' out whuther I kin er no. But it'll take a monst'us heap er wuk, en I can't was'e my time fer nuffin.  Ef you'll fetch me sump'n ter pay me fer my trouble, I reckon we kin fix it.'
  "So nex' day Aun' Nancy went down ter see Aun' Peggy ag'in.
  "'Aun' Peggy,' sez she, 'I is fotch' you my bes' Sunday head-hankercher. Will dat do?'