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Sis' Becky's Pickaninny  159

"That is a very ingenious fairy tale, Julius," I said, "and we are much obliged to you."
"Why, John!" said my wife severely, "the story bears the stamp of truth, if ever a story did."
"Yes," I replied, "especially the hum-ming-bird episode, and the mocking-bird digression, to say nothing of the doings of the hornet and the sparrow."
"Oh, well, I don't care," she rejoined, with delightful animation; "those are mere ornamental details and not at all essential. The story is true to nature, and might have happened half a hun-dred times, and no doubt did happen, in these horrid days before the war."
"By the way, Julius," I remarked, "your story does n't establish what you started out to prove, - that a rabbit's foot brings good luck."
"Hit's plain 'nuff ter me, suh," replied Julius. "I bet young missis dere kin 'splain it herse'f."