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164   The Conjure Woman

the process as a whole tolerably comprehensible. Though the genesis of the
rearrangement of every evolving aggregate 
is in it itself one, it present to out
intelligence'" -
  "John," interrupted my wife, "I wish
you would stop reading that nonsense 
and see who that is coming up the
  I closed my book with a sigh. I had 
never been able to interest my wife in 
the study of philosophy, even when presented
in the simplest and most lucid
  Some one was coming up the lane;
at least, a huge faded cotton umbrella
was making progress toward the house,
and beneath it a pair of nether extremities
in trousers was discernible. Any
doubt in my mind as to whose they were
was soon resolved when Julius reached
the steps and, putting the umberella
down, got a good dash of the rain as he
stepped up on the porch.