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166  The Conjure Woman

"I dunno 'bout dat, suh. It mought cos' mo', en it mought cos' less, ez fuh ez money is consarned. I ain' denyin' you could cl'ar up dat trac' er lan' fer a hund'ed er a couple er hund'ed dollahs, - ef you wants ter cl'ar it up. But ef dat 'uz my trac' er lan', I would n' 'sturb it, no, suh, I would n'; sho's you bawn, I would n'."
"But why not?" I asked.
"It ain' fittin' fer grapes, fer noo groun' nebber is."
"I know it, but"- 
"It ain' no yeathly good fer cotton, 'ca'se it's too low."
"Perhaps so; but it will raise splendid corn."
"I dunno," rejoined Julius deprecatorily. "It's so night de swamp dat de 'coons'll eat up all de cawn."
"I think I'll risk it," I answered
"Well, suh," said Julius, "I wushes you much joy er yo' job. Ef you has