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The Gray Wolf's Ha'nt 169

out, dey did n' many un 'em 'temp' ter 'sturb 'im. De one dat did would 'a' wush' he had n', ef he could 'a' libbed long ernuff ter do any wushin'.
  "It all happen' dis erway. Dey wuz a cunjah man w'at libbed ober t' other side er de Lumbe'ton Road. He had be'n de only cunjuh doctor in de naberhood fer lo! des many yeahs, 'tel ole Aun' Peggy sot up in de bizness down by de Wim'l'ton Road. Dis cunjuh man had a son w'at libbbed wid 'im, en it wuz dis yer son w'at got mix' up wid Dan, - en all 'bout a 'oman.
  "Dey wuz a gal on de plantation name' Mahaly. She wuz a monst'us lackly gal, - tall en soopl', wid big eyes, en a small foot, en a lively tongue, en w'en Dan tuk ter gwine wid ;er eve'ybody 'lowed dey wuz well match', en none er de yuther nigger men on de plantation das' ter go nigh her , fer dey all feared er Dan.