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180   The Conjure Woman

mouf.  En I'll des bet you' back is raw whar she's be'n beatin' you.'
"'Yas,' 'spon' Dan, 'so it is.' He hadn' notice it befo', but now he felt des lack de hide had be'n tuk off'n 'im.
"'En yo' thighs is des raw whar de spurrers has be'n driv' in you,' sez de cunjuh man.  'You can't see de raw spots, but you kin feel 'em.'
"' Oh, yas,' 'lows Dan, 'dey does he't pow'ful bad,'
"'En w'at's mo',' sez de cunjuh man, comin up close ter Dan en whusp'in' in his yeah, 'I knows who it is be'n ridin' you.'
"'Who is it? ax' Dan.  'Tell me who it is.'
"'It's a' old nigger 'woman down by Rockfish Crick.  She had a pet rabbit, en you cotch' 'im one day, en she's been squarin' up wid you ever sence.  But you better stop her, er e'se you'll be rid ter def in a mont' er so.'