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The Gray Wolf's Ha'nt      183

w'at kin see in de da'k, en w'at kin run des ez fas' ez a cat, en w'at kin bite, en bite fer ter kill; en den you won't hafter hab no trouble atter de job is done.  I dunno whuther you'd lack dat er no, but dat is de sho'es' way.'
"'I doan keer,' 'spon' Dan.  'I'd des ez lief be anything fer a'hour er so, ef I kin kill dat ole witch.  You kin do des w'at you er miniter.'
"'ALl right, den,' sez de cunjuh man, 'you come down ter my cabin at half-past nine o'clock ter-night, en I'll fix you up,'
"Now, dis cunjuh man, w'en he had got th'oo talking' wid Dan, kep' on down de road 'long de side er de plantation, 'tel he met Mahaly comin' home fum wuk des atter sundown.
"'Hoddy do, ma'm,' sezee; 'is yo' name Sis' Mahaly, w'at b'longs ter Mars Dugal' McAdoo?'
"' Yas,' 'spon' Mahaly, 'dat's my name, en I b'longs ter Mars Dugal'.'