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The Gray Wolf's Ha'nt 185

en scratchin' en gwine on at a tarrable rate.
  "'Wat's all dat fuss 'bout?' ax' Dan.
  "'Oh, dat ain' nuffin but my ole gray tomcat,' sex de cunjuh man. 'I has ter seht 'im up sometimes fer ter keep 'im in nights, en co'se he doan lack it.
  "'Now,' 'lows de cunuh man, 'lemme tell you des w'at you is got ter do.
W'en you ketches dis witch, you mus' take her right by de th'oat en biter her right th'oo de neck. Be sho' yo' teef goes th'oo at de fus' bite, en den you won't nebber be bothe'd no mo' by dat witch. En w'en you git done, come back heah en I'll tu'n you ter yo'se'f ag'in, so you kin go home en git yo' night;s res'.'
  "Den de cunjuh man gun Dan sump'n nice en sweet ter drink out'n a new go'd, en in 'bout a minute Dan foun' hisse'f tu'nt ter a gray wolf; en soon ez he felt all fo' er his noo feet on de