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Hot-Foot Hannibal 199 

One pleasant afternoon, about ten days after the rupture, old Julius drove the rockaway up to the piazza, and my wife, Mabel, and I took our seats for a dive to a neighbor's vineyard, over on the Lumberton plank-road. 

"Which way shall we go," I asked, 
-"the short road or the long one?' 
"I guess we had better take the short road," answered my wife. We will get there sooner". 
"It's a might fine dribe roun' by de big road, Mis' Annie," observed Julius, "en it doan take much longer to git dere." 
"No," said my wife, "I think we will go by the short road. There is a bay tree in blossom near the mineral spring, and I wish to get some of the flowers." 
"I 'spec's you 'd fin' some bay-trees 'long de big road, ma'm," suggested Julius. "but I know about the flowers on the