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200 The Conjure Woman 

short road, and they are the ones I want." 

We drove down the lane to the highway, and soon struck into the short road leading past the mineral spring. Our route lay partly through a swamp, and on each side the dark, umbrageous foliage, unbroken by any clearing, lent to the road solemnity, and to the air a refreshing coolness. About half a mile from he house, and about half-way to the mineral spring, we stopped at the tree of which my wife had spoken, and reaching to the low-hanging boughs, I gathered a dozen of the fragrant while flowers. When I resumed my seat in the rockaway, Julius started the mare. She went on for a few rods, until we had reached the edge of a branch crossing the road when she stopped short. 

"whey did you stop, Julius?" I asked. 
"I did n', suh," he replied. "'T wuz