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202 The Conjure Woman

  "Well, suh, I 'low ef we des set heah fo' er fibe minutes, she'll sta't up by herse'f."
  "All right," I rejoined; "it is cooler here than any place I have struck today. We'll let her stand for a while, and see what she does."
  We had sat in silence for a few minutes, when Julius suddenly ejaculated, " Uh huh! I knows w'y dis mare doan go. It des flash' 'cross my recommemb'ance."
  "Why is it, Julius?" I inquired.
  "'Ca'se she sees Chloe."
  "Where is Chloe?" I demanded.
  "Chloe's done be'n dead dese fo'ty years er mo'," the old man returned.
  "Her ha'nt is settin ober yander on de udder side er de branch, unner dat willer-tree, dis blessed minute."
  "Why, Julius!" said my wife, "do you see the haunt?"
  "No'm," he answered, shaking his