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214   The Conjure Woman

fiel'-han's,' sez Chole, tossin' her head; 'w'at you want wid me, Hot-Foot?'

"'I wants ter know how you en Jeff is gittin' 'long.'

"'I 'lows dat's none er yo' bizness, nigger.  I doan see w'at 'casion any common fiel'-han' has got ter mix in wid de 'fairs er folks w'at libs in de big house.  But ef it'll do you any good ter know, I mought say dat me en Jeff is gittin' 'long mighty well, en we gwine ter git married in de spring, en you ain' gwine ter be 'vited ter de weddin' nuther.'

"'No, no!' sezee, 'I would n' 'spec' ter be 'vited ter de weddin',-- a common, low-down fiel'-han' lack I is.  But I's glad ter heah you en Jeff is gittin' 'long so well.  I did n' knowed but w'at he had 'mence' ter be a little ti'ed.'

'Ti'ed er me? Dat's rediklus!' sez Chloe. 'W'y, dat nigger lubs me so I b'liebe he'd go th'oo fire en water fer me.  Dat nigger is des wrop' up in me.'