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43. CONTINUED 43. 

Look at Daddy throw that ball: 

They keep moving until they spot their mother, who is seated on a bench with another WOMAN. They rush to her. 

Rebecca, your children git bigger by the hour! 

It's the good livin' that do it, Harriet! 

She smiles as the children approach her. David Lee hands her the money. 

Miss Boatwright gave me this book and all of us a nickel apiece! 

Rebecca holds her hand out with palm up as if to say 'hand it over' - the three children pass the money on to her --

Who's winning, Mama? 

Nobody yet - it's all tied up. 

The ballgame goes on as they SHOUT and root for Nathan's team. Nathan is putting on quite a pitching performance in the close, exciting game. 

Nathan's team is at bat - there are two out - a man at second and a man at bat. The MAN at bat hits a ground ball to the SECOND BASEMAN, the ball trickles away from his glove into the outfield - he quickly retrieves the ball and tries to make a play at First Base, but the BATTER is called safe - meanwhile the RUNNER on Second has moved past Third Based and is attempting to score - the FIRST BASEMAN throws the ball to the CATCHER at Home Plat as the runner slides into Home. It is a close play and the UMPIRE makes the decision to call the runner safe. An UPROAR takes place as the other team shows its displeasure over the Umpire's call - but the people who are rooting for Nathan's team SHOUT and SCREAM in ecstasy. After a short time, order is restored.