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Rev. 7/29/71   -23-

47. CONTINUED  47.

The Sheriff cannot look her in the face - he walks away from her and everyone, and just looks out over the fields - then finally he motions with his hand to the two Deputies, standing at Nathan's side to put him into the truck. They lift him up into the truck as Josie Mae, standing up on the porch with Earl, starts to cry softly as Rebecca moves to the edge of the vehicle, real close to Nathan's face. She kisses him lightly on the mouth, and then they just look on each other for awhile, in a way they knew and loved each other so well. Then in a physical, tough manner, Rebecca turns away and walks up on the porch with Josie Mae and Earl.

One Deputy gets in the back of the truck with Nathan, and the other sits at the wheel - as Sheriff Young climbs up and sits next to him.

Alright, let's go!

The truck starts to pull away - David lets go of his grip on Sounder, and makes a dash out into the road.

Don't take my daddy! Please don't take my daddy!


Sounder lets out with his voice, and charges past David for the truck on the road.

48. EXT. THE ROAD - DAY  48.

The Deputy in the back of the truck aims his shotgun as Sounder leaps for the truck - the THUNDER from the Deputy's shotgun is the only SOUND that can be HEARD in the entire valley - Sounder falls to the road.

49. EXT. THE PORCH - DAY  49.

Rebecca rushes down from the porch to the edge of the yard.


50. EXT. THE ROAD - DAY  50.

David keeps running in the direction of the truck and Sounder.