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Rebecca notices the Preacher talking to a group of women across the floor. 

If I don't go over there and butt in, I ain't gon' ever get to talk to the Preacher about Nathan.

She rises and moves across the floor. David Lee watches closely as his mother approaches the preacher and gets his attention by touching him on the arm, and they move off to a more secluded spot in the Church. David rises and moves to join their company. 

No, I ain't got no word yet, Rebecca. I went to the courthouse yesterday to see 'bout it, but they just won't tell me nothin' about what labor camp Nathan was sent to. I'm sorry, Rebecca. 

It's a shame, Reverend. It's a damn shame. 

I hope you don't take to bitterness, Sister Morgan. I tell you like I tell all the women in the church who got the same trouble you got. No matter what the trial or what the misery is, I tell 'em to stay with God.

Yeah, he'll crawl into mu bed tonight, lie close to my body and keep me warm -- and rectify the evil in the men who live over us in the valley. 

It's not that simple, Sister Rebecca -- the Lords works in mysterious ways -- we come into the life with nothin' and we'll leave it with nothing. 

Is that a blessing, Reverend?