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170. CONTINUED                                        170.
              Why don't you pay him a visit,
              Mr. Howard --  he'll tell you all
              about it.

                         MR. HOWARD
              I'll do that, Rebecca...I'll do
              just that...

     Mr. Howard moves back to his truck and drives off.
     As they watch the truck move away --

171. EXT. CORN FIELD - DAY                           171.
     They all turn to see Nathan limping toward them with
     Sounder and David Lee. They wait until they arrive--

                        NATHAN LEE 
              What did he want?

              To invite you to his house -- the
              two of you could just sit under the
              shade tree, drink ice cold whiskey,
              and just shoot the breeze!
                        NATHAN LEE
              Did you tell 'im I was too busy
              for that kinda stuff?

     He puts his arms around her shoulders, and draws her
     close to him --  The children stand by with big wide
     open smiles on their faces --
                        NATHAN LEE (CONT'D)
              Dammit! It shore feels goods to
              be back home!

     He releases her --  walks about twelve feet away -- 
     inspects some of the corn -- looks about over the 
     field --

                        NATHAN LEE (CONT'D)
              Y'all did some good job with
              the crop.

     He turns and walks back to them --

                        NATHAN LEE (CONT'D)
              Well, let's get to work!
              You sure you feel up to it, Nathan?