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Oh yeah, I'm gon' take care of that right away. (Shoves BOBBY out of throne and sits.)

Where you been all day?
(BOBBY moves into back room.)

Downtown, seeing about some jobs.

You sure don't care much about yourself.

I can agree with you on that because lookin' for a job can really hurt a man. I was interviewed five times today, and I could've shot every last one of them interviewers——the white ones and the colored ones too. I don't know if I can take any more of this.

Yeah, looking for a job can be very low-grading to a man, and its gets worse after you get the job. Anyway, I'm glad you got back here on time, or you would've missed your appointment. (No response from PARKER.)  Now don't tell me you don't remember! The man, the man that's supposed to come here and tell you how life in Harlem can be profitable.

(Steps out of throne, edging back toward back room.) Oh, that.

(Following him.) Oh that——my foot! Today is the day we're suppose to come up with those jobs, and you ain't said one word to Adele about it---not one single word! All you do is waste your time looking for work! Now that don't make no sense at all, Pop, and you know it.

Look, son. Let me go upstairs now and tell her all about the disappointments I suffered today, soften her up a bit, and then I'll come on back down here to meet your man. 

I promise, you won't have to worry about me going downtown any more——not after what I went through today. And I certainly ain't giving up my shop for nobody!
(Exits upstairs.)

(Turns to BOBBY, who's at the mirror.) Now that's the way I like to hear my old man talk! Hey, baby don't forget that thing. It's late, we ain't got much time.

All right!

(A jet-black-complexioned young man comes in. He is dressed all in blue and wears sunglasses. HE carries a gold-top cane and a large salesman's valice. He stops just inside the door.)

Blue, Baby!

Am I late?

No, my father just walked into the door. He's upstairs now, but he'll be right back down in a few minutes. Let me take your things. (Takes BLUE's cane and valise.) Sit down, man, while I fix you a drink. (Place's BLUE's things on the table and moves into back room. BOBBY enters shop.) 

Hey, Bobby. How's the stores been treating you?

I'm planning on retiring next year. (Laughs.)

(Returning with jug and two glasses. Moves to the table and pours.) I was thinking, Blue——we can't let my old man know about our "piano brigade." I know he ain't 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewer missed indents, so reopened. We also don't indicate [[italics]], or [[end of page]], etc...