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Two months later. It is about 9 P.M.

As the curtain rises, the lights come up on the back room, BOBBY is there, listening to a record of James Brown's "Money Won't Change You, But Time Will Take You On." As he is dancing out to the shop, THEO appears from the cellar, which has been created by taking out a panel in the lower section of the wall and houses the whiskey-making operation. THEO brings in two boxes filled with bottles of corn whiskey and shoves them under the bed.
BOBBY moves past THEO into the shop, carrying a target rolled up in his hand, and two darts. He is wearing a fancy sports shirt, new trousers, new keen-toed shoes, and a stingy, diddy-bop hat. He pins the target upon the wall of the shop. In the center of the target is the face of a well-known American racist. 

(Moves away from the target, aims and hurls the dart.) That's for Pop! Huh! (Throws another.) And this is for me! Huh! (Moves to the target to pull darts out. THEO cuts record off abruptly. A knock at the door.)

(Calling out to BOBBY from the back room.) Lock that door! 


Lock it yourself!

(With quick but measured steps moves toward front door.) I'm not selling another bottle, target, or anything, till I get some help! (Locks door in spite of persistent knocking.) We're closed!

I don't think Blue is gon' like you turning customers away. (Sits in barber chair, lighting up cigar.)