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also noticed that he don't get along with you any more.

Well, Pop, that's another story.

Come on, boy, there's something on his mind, and you know what it is. 

(Moving away.) Nothing, except he wants to tell me what to do all the time. But I've got some ideas of my own. I ain't no dumbbell; I just don't talk as much as he do. If I did, the people I talk to would know just as much as I do. I just want him to go his way, and I'll go mine. 

There's more to it than that, and I wanta know what it is.

There's nothing.

Come on now, boy.

That's all, pop!

(Grabs him.) It's not, and you better say something!

He——I don't know what to tell you, Pop. He just don't like the way things are going——with you, me——Adele. He got in a fight with her today and she told him about Blue killing a man.

Is it true?

Yeah. Blue killed this man one time for saying something about his woman, and this woman got a child by Blue but Blue never married her and so this man started signifying about it. Blue hit him, the man reached for a gun in his pocket, Blue took the gun from him, and the——man started running, but by that time Blue had fire in his eyes, and he shot the man three times.



Blue got only two year for it!

Two years, hun? That's another thing I'm gon' throw in his face tonight if he tries to get smart with me. Ain't that something. Going around bumping people off, and getting away with it too! What do he think he is, white or something! (THEO comes in and sits at desk. MR.PARKER checks his watch.) I'm getting tired of this! (Moves into back room.) Where's that friend of yours!? I don't have to wait around this barbershop all night for him. It's been two months now, and I want my money! When I say be here at nine-thirty, I mean be here!

(Rising from desk.) Where have you been, Pop?

That's none of your business! Now where is that man with my money!

Money is not your problem——you've been spending it all over town! And you've been taking it out of this desk!

So? I borrowed a little. 

You call four hundred dollars a little! Now I've tried to fix these books so it don't show too big, and you better hope Blue don't notice it when he starts fingering through these pages tonight. 

To hell with Blue! It's been two months now, and he ain't shown us a dime!

What are you doing with all that money, Pop?

I don't have to answer to you! I'm the boss here. And another thing, there's a lot about Blue and this association