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94 ready to throw me out of your place, but now I've got no other choice!

     (Pointing his finger at him and laughing.) That's true! You don't! All right, I'll give you a break--- I accept! Just let me know when the next meeting is. (Checks watch and grabs his hat.) Come on, Jenkins, let's get out of here! (Starts out with MR. JENKINS.)

     Hey, Pop---you're going out there with all that money in your pocket.

     Don't worry about it. I'm a grown man, I can take care of myself.

    But what about our part of it?

     Look, son, he held me up---I'm late already, You'll get yours when I get back.
    But, Pop---

     Good night, Theo! (Bolts out the door, with MR. JENKINS following.)

    (Rushes to the door.) Pop, you better be careful! I'll be waiting for you! I don't care if it's till dawn!

    You're becoming a worrier, Theo!


    But that's the nature of all things . . . I'm forever soothing and pacifying someone. Sometimes I have to pacify myself. You don't think that president stuff is going to mean anything , do you? He had me up-tight , so what I did was to bring him closer to me so I would be definitely sure of letting him know less and having more control over him---and over you, too.

   THEO                                                                                                  95
     What do you mean by that?

    It didn't take me more than one glance into those books to know that he's been spending money out of the box. And to think---you didn't bother to tell me about it

    Why should I? I trust your intelligence. 

    Please don't let him do it any more.

    Why don't you hire your own cashier and bookkeeper? (He goes into back room.)

     (Following him.) That's an idea! What about Adele! Now that was a thought in the back of my ming, but I'm putting that away real quick. Seems this sweet, nice-girl sister of yours has took to partying with the good time set and keeping company with a simple ass clown like Wilmer Robinson. No, that would't work, would it? I'd have more trouble with her than I'm having with you. When a girl as intelligent as your sister, who all of a sudden gets into things, and hooked up to people who just don't go with her personality, that could mean trouble. To be honest with you, I didn't think this thing was going to work, but it is working, Theo! I've got three place just like this one and another on the way. A man has to care about what he does. Don't you want to get out of this place?

     Yes, but lately I've been getting the feeling that I'm gonna have to hurt someone.

     I see.

     You think the old man was asking you those questions about stores closing down as a joke or something?
     He asks because he thinks, but he is still in the dark!