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98 trembling with the knowledge that now I have a little boy who I must walk through the park with every Sunday, who one day just may blow my head off--and an abiding wife who on a given evening may get herself caught in the bed of some other man, and I could sealed in a dungeon until dead! I was found lying in a well of blood on the day I was born! But I have been kind! I have kissed babies for the simple reason they were babies! I'm going to get married to some bitch and that gets me to shaking all over! (He moves close to THEO.) The last time I trembled this way I killed a man! (Quickly and rhythmically takes out a long, shiny switchblade knife. It pops open just at THEO's neck. BLUE holds it there for a moment, then withdraws and closes it. Puts it away. Then he collects his belongings, then calmly addresses THEO.) Things are tight and cool on my end, Theo, and that's how you should keep it here. If not, everything gets messy and I find myself acting like a policeman, keeping order. I don't have the time for that kind of trick. (BLUE exits.)

(After a moment of silent thought, moves decisively to the back-room stairs and calls.) Bobby! (Bobby comes downstairs.)

I want you to stay away from those store raids, Bobby.

Not as long as I can get myself some extra money. (Moving close to him.) You didn't say nothing to me before, when I was stealing every other day and giving you half of everything I stole. You didn't think nothing that day you sent me for that typewriter!

I don't know what you're going to do from here on in, because I'm calling the whole affair off with Blue.

That won't stop me, and you know it!

What is it, Bobby--we used to be so close! Bobby, don't get too far away from me!

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(Heatedly.) What do you want me to do? Stick around you all the time? Hell, I'm tired of you! I stick by you and I don't know what to do! I steal and that puts clothes on my back and money in my pockets! That's something to do! But I sit here with you all day just thinking about the next work I'm going to say--I'm not stupid! I sit here all day thinking about what I'm going to say to you. I stuck by you and I hoped for you because whatever you became, I was gonna become. I thought about that, and that ain't shit! (He leaves the shop. THEO is alone with his troubled thoughts. Suddenly he rushed into the back room, gets hat and shirt, puts them on, and goes out into the street.)

(Stepping down into the back room from the apartment upstairs.) Come on, girl! (A very attractive, well-dressed YOUNG GIRL in her early twenties follows him into the shop.)

You wanted to see it. Well, here it is.

(Looking about the place.) So this is where you do your business. Like I keep asking you, Russell, what kind of business is it for you to make all that money you got?

(Heading toward the refrigerator in the back room.) Come on in here, sweetheart. I'll fix us a drink!

(Moves briskly after him.) I asked you a question, Russell. 

(Still ignoring her question, he takes a jug out of refrigerator and grabs two glasses.) I'm going to make you a special drink, made from my own hands. It's called "black lightning."

(Surveys the room as PARKER pours drink.) That should be exciting.