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Case Continued

The above Affidavit was sworn to and subscribed before me W. E. Oakley a regular minister of the Baptist Church (no magistrate) living in the neighborhood) this July 14" 1866.

(Signed) W.E. Oakley.

A true copy 


After mature deliberation the Court find as follows: that the Plff. has been fully paid. 

Wm Jones Capt V.R.C
2nd Asst Supt

Bu R F and A.L. 
Office Sub Dist of Oxford N.C.
July 6" 1866. 

Ben Bullock (F'd) Pl'ff.
Benj T. Bullock (W) Def't 

Complaint: Pl'ff. claims pay for Labor in the year 1865.

Case of Investigation.
Ben Bullock (F'd) Pl'ff. being duly sworn states as follows: To wit: That he and his family (wife & 6 children) worked for Def't from the time he was set free about the 1" of May until the 14" of August 1865. And That he thinks he worked in Deft's Tobacco Factory about two months and the rest of the time on Defts Plantation. That his wife worked as house servant and his Daughter Lucinda aged 18 worked as house servant from the 1" of May until the 10" of June and the rest of the time (until the 14 of August) worked as a field hand. That his Daughter Milley aged 13 years worked as house servant and field hand during the time claimed and his Daughter Betty aged nine years worked at knitting and waiting on her mistress and Two other children who did not work. Buck Pl'ff's son aged 11 years also worked as field hand. That [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] Mr Bullock (Def't) gave him (Pl'ff.) holidays and then he made tobacco for himself to the amount of $14.00. The reason he left the employment of Def't was that it was reported that his Family had left Def'ts and were driven off by him. (Def't) 


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-24 23:21:10