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Case Continued 

asked them, if there was any objections to said contract + they said there was none. that Thomas made 106 barrels of long corn & 34 barrels of short corn, 29 sills of cotton & 8 bals of sorghum. 

Benj Morgan (Fd) sworn was present when the contract was read to Thomas, that D. S. Allen read + explained the contract, that Thomas appeared satisfied with it that he was chosen by Thomas as a witness and made my X on the contract as witness (did not know his signature)(but appeared to know most of the contents of said contract) that Allens hands worked  in Thomas crop equal to one hands labor 3 or 4 months, that Thomas hands worked in Allens crop equal to one hands labor one months, that Thomas + hands refused to labor at time when Allen decided, that Thomas made 8 stacks of fodder. 

S.D. Jenkins being duly worn states as follows: To wit: That he was present at the decision of Matthews & Cook that they decided first- that Allen pay Thomas two barrels of corn, that the Bond was then signed that the Referees afterward reconsidered and thought Thomas in debt, that he saw Thomas hands at work last spring ('66) that they were very slow + that the women were standing a great deal of the time. 

Jerry Thomas (F'd) re-examined that his father Howard Thomas  had eighteen in the family, that his father brought 16 1/2 barrels of corn with him to Allens farm + that they fed themselves.

J. D. Moss & others think that Allen on his farm could give one (1/3) third of the crop to his employees and furnish necessary tools feed horse to think that the above would be fair compensation to those employed

Case Continued 

Cook + Sandly - re-examined state that J D Moss is an excellent farmer, that he is the best in the country. 

Two affidavits produced showing that Howard Thomas (F'd) in the opinion of the affiants is not more than half witted and is totally incompetent to make a contract understandly or with justice to himself. 


After examining the farm of L.B. Allen (Deft) and Thomas' family I find that Thomas received his share of all crops, except Corns, fodder, + Cotton that not enough fodder came to his share to feed the horses and that the cotton would about make up for the deficientcy, and after allowing 15 bbls of corn for the feed of horses, and taking into consideration the work done by Allen on Thomas farm + by Thomas in Allens farm including ditches that Allen pay half the 55 barrels of corn remaining Did not allow Allens account for ditching done by him as that was to improve his farm, and not to advance Thomas interest. $45.00 in Allen's account was not allowed as Thomas did not receive 45 gallons of molasses, and there was no proff that Thomas destroyed or lost by his neglect said molasses. 

See page 2 and letter Book for report of this case

WW Jones
Capt VRC and Asst-Supt

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