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V  It is agreed that they shall work for (1/4) one-fourth part of the following named Crops Tobacco, Corn, Fodder, Shucks, Oats, Cotton, Potatoes, Peas, etc.
VI It is agreed on the part of the hands that they are to cut & thrash Dr Lewis's present Crop of wheat and to seed a wheat crop next fall for the year 1868.
VII  Dr Lewis agrees to give them a lot of seven (7) acres sown in wheat after taking out the seed (say 6 bushels) and the straw to be equally divided between the hands, for cutting and saving his Crop of wheat.
VII  Each will be required to perform the following duties, namely cut & haul firewood feed horses cows hogs oxen sheep & in fact all things usually done on Farm repairing fences etc.
IX  Each Hand is to leave his house from the 1st of April for the field at Sunrise.
X  The hands are to work in two Parties six in Each party to have three horses, but it is understood that the twelve hands are not to be divided until the Crop is pitched
XI  Dr Lewis binds himself at his own expense to furnish all necessary tools, for the use of the Farm at his expense.
XII In the Crop of oats the hands will be charged with one-fourths part of the


seed to be returned in sheaf oats at the rate of one hundred (110) ten pounds in a bushel & a half.
XIII  The Hostlers will be required to pay particular attention to currying rubbing and feeding and watering horses both my own and friends horses which may be in my stables
XIV  No one will whip, beat or cruelly treat any of my stock, on the penalty of being discharged without pay, and pay for damages done.
XV  Dr Lewis agrees to treat each one of his hands kindly and shall require them to be respectful to himself and Family.
XVI  No hand will be permitted to leave his work without permission and agreeing to pay (50 cts) fifty-cents per day, unless the day is given to all the hands as a holiday & all lost time is to be considered in a final settlement.
XVII  If any hand shall leave without permission, for the first time he will be lectured, for the second he shall be discharged with with forfeiture of his interest in the Crop.
XVIII  When the hands want a day for Holiday they shall give five days notice to Dr Lewis through Henry Hall he's Head Man.