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Dist. of N.C. at Raleigh N.C. for instructions

By Command of
Col E Whittlesy. Asst Commissioner
Frd. H Beacher 2 Lieut 3 U.S.Inft. & AAA.G.

April 30th 1866. Oxford Granville Co N.C.
The court being called to order, Present Capt WW Jones 22 Rgt. VR.C. Asst. Supt Dis of Oxford N.C., the following case [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] was brought before it.

Chas Johnson [[strikethrough]] Plff [[/strikethrough]] (Colored) vs Thos Revis (white)

Plntf. claimed that Deft. owes him for labor performed by his (Plntf.) children & wife. The Deft. being notified by letter, and not appearing, the Court then proceeded to the trial of the case without him.