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Charles Johnson (Freedman) being duly sworn states that his wife Nancy Johnson worked for Mr Thos Revis of Henderson Granville Co N.C. as house servant from about the first (1st) of May 65 untill the first (1st) of Nov. 65 that his son Chas Johnson aged (19) nineteen years worked for said Thomas Revis as field hand from the 1st of May 65 untill the July 31st 65 and that his daughter Betsy Johnson aged 16 yrs worked for said Thos Revis as field hand from the 1st May 65 untill the 1st of Nov 65, that his son Anderson Johnson aged 19 yrs worked for said Thos Revis as field hand from the 1st of May 65 untill the 1st of Nov 65, that his daughter Sally Johnson aged 15 yrs worked for said Thos Revis as field hand from the 1st of May 1865 untill the 1st of Nov 65 and that his daughter Cindy Johnson aged 13 yrs worked for said Thos Revis as field hand from 1st May 65, untill Nov 1st 65, and that his son [[strikethrough]] Willson [[\strikethrough]] Nelson Johnson aged 9 yrs worked as field hand for said Thos Revis from May 1st 65, untill the 1st Nov 65, for which he nor they recvd pay, except five (5) Bbs. Corn (in ear) and board for two (2) children, who were too young to work.

Nancy Johnson, being duly sworn, says that the sworn statement of Chas Johnson as above is correct, that she was working for said Thos Revis during the summer of 1865, and that the said Nancy Johnson (her mother) Chas Johnson, Betsy Johnson, Anderson Johnson, Sally Johnson, Cindy Johnson, & Nelson Johnson worked faithfully as house servant and field hands, during the time they worked for Mr Thos Revis.