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26. Air is comprised of oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic gas, and a gaseous vapor. Water of oxygen eight parts to one fifty Hydrogen O8H1
27. 240 bones
28. Stomach, throat, liver, kidneys gall.
29. The veins carry the blood from the heart to the lungs and the arteries carry the blood to the heart for purification.
30. To breathe in air to purify the blood. 
31. Exercise in the open air, frequent bathing of the whole body in soap and water. Working in an upright position. Breathing pure air Eating very moderately of good food and having regular habits and in keeping the "feet warm and the head cool."
32. Cyrus was the father of Alexander the great. Alexander was that Greek who subdued Darens the Persian monarch. Xenophen was a not Greek author. Xerzes was that great conqueror who ordered a mountain to be removed in order for his barge to pass on. Pythagoras was a Greek who lived 600 B.C. who invented 
33 the sanomyter and wrote "Golden Verses" one of which "Reverence Thyself" was one. Plato was a Greek who elaborated a system of Philosophy on love and was a heathen who suffered from domestic deductions. Cicero was a celebrated Roman orator, Hannibal was an African who ranks among our noblest, bravest generals of antiquity. Oliver Cromwell was the man who had Charles the 1st of England beheaded and