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33. Were fetish. The Crusades were undertaken by some noble men who went on journeys in the Middle ages to rescue the tomb of the Savior from the infidels in the Holy Land. 
34. The Anglo Saxons Anglo from a place in the north of Europe, who used weapon in warfare shaped like angles. Saxon from on of the Gaelic races who lived in saxony. There when micegenated became Anglo Saxons. 
35. Marathon in Italy. Hastings in England and at Waterloo in England the Duke of Wellington conquered Napoleon. 
36. Christopher Columbus. Ponce De Leon, Cartier, The Cabots, De Soto. 
37. This war was caused by a dispute about the Canadian possessions in which the French and Indians were allies and were fought by the English. 
38 The first was at Breed's Hill we have the Bunker Hill monument to commemorate it May 1774. The then was Lexington.
39. In Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin presided. The second was presided over by Geo. Washington and the thirteen colonies were represented. 
40. Lord Bacon and Shakespeare of Elisabeth's reign Emerson Longfellow. Whittier. Bryant. Abbott. Prof. Agassey, Qualms are Sumner, Wilson, Washburn
41. Monarchial Absolute and limited. Democratic or Republican
42. Indominable will. Power of minds weaker and clemency with a strong appreciation of working for immutability.