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Dont you think thats cute ? Here is another equally as true as the one before.

My friend

Although I have a host of friends,
And love them all, it's true,
Somehow with in my heart's a place.
No one can fill but you. 

Have to go now sugar. Write soon and let me know whats what. If possible call me up some time. 

God be with you till we meet again,
Love & kisses


Coming back the line going on the ferry was so long until we were two hours getting on. With the heat almost 110 in the shade every body was as cross as a lion. But with even the cross dispositions we made it back OK. I collected quit a bit of shells while down there. All in all it was pretty swell. We all wished you were there.

I went to Argene's shower and had a good time. She got a lot of gifts. Some of them that were present were the Southalls, Anita Ford, Thelma Black, Mary Tiner, Elvelyn Frazier and Argene's sister. It was some gathering  The wedding itself is Sunday morning. At the ungodly hour of 8:00 A.M.

Yesterday I went up to your house again and had a chat with Lil. We talked about everything under the sun.It was George's birthday. Lil bought him a pipe and a pouch. I do hope you do'nt find this letter boring, and in order not to make it so I'll close. But first I want to send you a poem. It is so much like you and is the only thing I could find to let you know just what I think about you. I do'nt think I could find a better one to fit you so perfectly. 

Wonderful You

Always so cheerful, warm hearted and gay,
Casting your smiles around everywhich way,
Sympathetic in sorrow, tenderly bright. 
Possessed of the courage to do what is right, 
The fairest, the squarest, most loving and true,
Dear little, Sweet little Wonderful You.