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2 Each grade will be divided into two classes denominated the "A" & "B".  The basis of the number of pupils for [[strikethrough]] each [[/strikethrough]]one teacher in [[strikethrough]] each class [[/strikethrough]] shall, [[strikethrough]] wherever [[/strikethrough]] as near as practicable, be sixty.

3. In the "B" class of the Primary grade shall be taught: words, alphabet, reading in monosylabic words from charts & primers, oral instructions concerning animals & various inanimate objects  or phenomena of nature, numbering or counting, addition & subtraction by means of objects, such as pebbles, marbles, etc, proper articulation, Roman & Arabic numerals, including 100, printing letters etc. & singing by rote.

4  In the "A" Primary shall be taught spelling, reading in the First Reader, mental arithmetic, slate exercises in writing & drawing, object lesson, articulation, singing by rote, & such other exercises as the Teacher may select.

5  In the "B" [[strikethrough]]class[[/strikethrough]] Intermediate Grade, shall be taught spelling, reading in the second reader, first lessons in mental arithmetic, addition & subtraction by figures, object lessons, names & uses of punctuation marks, articulation, the geography of the State of La & adjacent states from written maps, slate & blackboard exercises in drawing & writing, vocal music & such other exercises as the teacher may select.

6  In the "A" Intermediate shall be taught the Third reader, mental arithmetic , fundamental rules of written arith. by slate & blackboard exercises, multiplication tables complete-