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geographies No's 2. & 3. accompanied by outline maps: map drawing, writing in copy books, object lessons, oral spelling, dictation exercises in writing spelling, [[strikethrough]] vocal [[/strikethrough]] singing. 

7 In the "B" class Grammar, shall be taught the Fourth Reader, spelling & defining, mental arith., written arith, geography, outline maps, penmanship, object lessons, in the rudiments of botany, geology, & zoology, leading events in History, vocal music. 

8  In the "A" Grammar shall be taught in the Fifth Reader, spelling & defining, written arith, penmanship, object lessons, [[strikethrough]] spelling [[/strikethrough]] History, topical geography with drawing outline maps, exercises in composition elocution, declamation & English grammar.

9  The Director may make such alterations causes in the foregoing course of instruction as shall be deemed in conformity with the efficiency of the teachers, & the advancement of the pupils in the several classes, subject to the approval of the Gen'l Supt. The same series of text-books will be used hereafter as has heretofore been employed until further orders from the Gen'l Supt. 
Evening Schools for adults may be organized in the city school buildings by any teacher, [[strikethrough]] a tuition  [[/strikethrough]] & the teacher will keep a record of such school & report concerning the same in their regular monthly reports. [[strikethrough]] Twenty four cents for each pupil will be turned over by the teacher for such evening schools [[/strikethrough]]