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At Hamilton, Martin County, N.C., this 30 April 1868.
The undersigned as umpire in matter of Henry Eborn against D.B. Howell. The former a farmer & the latter landlady of a tract of land in said district & county - from the testimony produced & sworn, witnesses, as well for pltff as deft - as also the testimony of the parties themselves, we have & do consider the following facts duly proved, viz
1 That on the part of Mrs. Howell, she furnished them horses or mules & fed them, & furnished land sufficient to work said team & farming tools during the year 1867. That said team & farm were to be worked & cultivated by Henry Eborn, (colored), & George Jenkins upon the terms that they Eborn & Jenkins were to feed & find the necessary food for themselves & such hands as they worked, and do all the labor in & about the said farm & pay such hands as they hired and upon gathering the crop said Mrs D.B. Howell was to receive one half thereof and the other half to be divided between said Eborn & Jenkins, arguably to a bargain agreed, & proved between them. That Jenkins & Eborn hired during the year a colored man named Albert Howell at $10 per month & they feed him or furnish him provisions. That Albert died in Augt 1867.
2. That Mrs D.B. Howell furnished said Albert so hired, provisions during his life to the amount of $75 61/100 one half of which Henry Eborn was to pay, making $37 81 also amount for meat &c as is stated below. We are satisfied & so are the parties that a satisfactory settlement has taken place between the parties except the share of cotton to which said Henry Eborn is entitled from Mrs Howell, subject to offset of her account. 
1868 Henry Eborn Cold to Mrs. D.B. Howell D.
Jany 1 To ½ amt furnished Albert &c $37.81
To amt self for meat furnished you, & sundries &c 57.92
To ½ cotton picked by woman Esther hired to you & Jenkins 3.89
To ¼ Bagging furnished 31/- &c rope $1.57 4.67
To ¼ freight on Money - 48 c - .48
By offer ¼ of $354.65 nett amt cotton sold $104.77
Amount we find due Mrs Howell for Henry Eborn (cold) sixteen dollars & eleven cents as above
N.B. Mrs DB. Howell Chose R.E. Weatherbee as referee