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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office of Superintendent of Education,
Raleigh, N C., January 25, 1868.

Lieut. Jno. M. Foote,
A.S.A Comr. Plymouth, N.C.

Yours' of the 20th came to hand last evening. In reply to your inquiry I write today that the purchase to which you refer cannot be made (as you propose), as there would be no way of accounting to the Govt. for the money. We could not take up the property on our Q.M. papers, because only a part of the purchase-money would have been paid by the Bureau. We should have no right therefore to claim and take up the whole property. There would therefore be nothing to show to the Govt. in return for the expenditures. 

Yours respectfully,
F.A. Fiske.
Supt. Education. 

P.S. Cannot some building be hired Williamston for a school? We should be willing to pay a moderate monthly rent for one, provided the necessary petitions were sent to me first.  

[L-B. vol. 3. p. 677.]

Transcription Notes:
changed "Jas" to "Jno" (John) M Foote