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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Chief Q.M. and Disbursing Officer State of North Carolina
Raleigh, N.C., March 3rd, 1868

Lieut. John M. Foote
Bureau R F & A L
Plymouth No. Ca.

Yours of February 26th referring to "Circular Letter" from Chief Q Master. and asking additional instructions is at hand. You will account for Stationery used in your office for February 1868 as prescribed in Circular above referred to. Par 1130 Rev USA Reg ("Bu Man 28 "E") prescribes for the allowance of an officer in the military service, but has no reference to Stationery used by him in an office of the Bureau

You will account for the amount allowed by 4th Par under "Stationery and Office furniture" BO Manual 28 "E." on form 30. Bu  O Man and for all over and above as prescribed in circular, entering both requisitions on Abstract "I"

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt.
Thos M Johnston
Bvt Lt Col CQM & DO State N.C.